TD³ Consulting

Communication • Education • Expertise

Our Work

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Following a grand jury report in 2011, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia renewed their commitment to child protection and victim assistance. The Office for Child and Youth Protection (OCYP) reached out to TD3 Consulting for recommendations and strategic planning to identify best practices moving forward. Since that time, Hallie Martyniuk has worked closely with OCYP as an adviser and subject matter expert, creating a new website; developing a learning management system to offer online training modules; creating research-based instructor-led and web-based training curricula for staff/volunteers and children; developing written resources for survivors of abuse; and designing Safe Environment prevention materials for Archdiocese staff, school children, parents, and the parish community. The OCYP now has model Safe Environment and Victim Assistance Programs which other dioceses can emulate.

"Hallie’s expertise and input is an essential component to our Safe Environment program. Her insights and recommendations have strengthened our efforts to prevent child sexual abuse and her role as a trusted adviser has given us additional confidence as we continually review and improve our policies, curricula, and communications to ensure the Archdiocese is applying best practices."

Leslie Davila , Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Sexual Assault in the Military

When the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) (2011) wanted to develop a training program which would provide information and skills to civilian victim advocates to help build proficiency in meeting the needs of victims of sexual assault in the military, they called TD3 Consulting. With information from both military and civilian focus groups, TD3 created a two-day research-based training curriculum addressing the unique dynamics of sexual assault in the military, which included military culture, reporting policies, and military legal system. The curriculum received approval from all branches of the military, as well as the Department of Defense (DoD) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO). TD3 has since updated this training for the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and has conducted multiple training-of-trainers around the country on OVC’s behalf. This training is currently in use by OVC to train victim advocates, and by the 24-hour hotline staffing the DoD Sexual Assault Helpline.

"Hallie’s strength has always been her focus on the integrity of the trainer and the take-away for the participant."

Cheryl Hassell , Trainer

Sexual Assault Advocacy Symposium

Through funding from the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), engaged TD3 Consulting to conduct focus groups comprised of victim advocates and allied professionals across the country in order to gain a better understanding of the priority needs of survivors of sexual violence and those who serve them in regards to research, public policy, training and technical assistance, and prevention and intervention services. The purpose of this project was to inform OVW's strategic planning process and ultimately the distribution of federal funds for services.

"Partnership is often the key to success and Hallie took the time to identify and understand our challenges, then brought both vision and commitment to the collaborative process of identifying solutions."

Client of TD3 Consulting

Pennsylvania Prison Rape Elimination Act Implementation Project

In 2003, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed in the United States making the sexual assault of incarcerated individuals against the law. Pennsylvania’s Department of Corrections was on the national forefront in responding to this new law. TD3 Consulting partnered with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) to meet the DOC’s needs to train staff, create and implement policy, and implement some of the country’s first corrections-based Sexual Assault Response Teams. TD3 provided on- site training and technical assistance, created the DOC’s PREA Toolkit for staff and a manual for community-based sexual assault advocates to help them understand the unique dynamics of working with this victim population.

"Several key stakeholders remarked on Ms. Martyniuk’s professionalism, insight, and ability to lead the group in prioritizing several ideas related to system-wide improvements."

Catharine Kilgore , Dauphin County Office of the District Attorney

Training and Technical Assistance Project

The Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Institute (PDAI) was funded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) to manage a training program that would build skills, offer technical assistance and develop leadership potential in victim service professionals throughout Pennsylvania. Hallie Martyniuk acted as Training Coordinator for this project for seven years, during which time she designed and facilitated more than 40 instructor-led and web-based training programs and conferences on a myriad of topics related to crime victimization, partnered on annual strategic planning, and created resource materials and curricula. At the end of her tenure, the Training and Technical Assistance Project had attained national notoriety for its work.

"Through many years of my work with Ms. Martyniuk, she consistently proves to be dedicated, detail oriented, thorough, and timely. Her work is always high quality as is her passion about her work and about victims. I do not hesitate to recommend her work, and feel confident that she will deliver superior trainings, materials, and projects."